
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Student Success Statement-

“ I won’t cheat”~ Dale Murphy

Reflection~ This quote by Dale Murphy to means choose the right in your life so that you won’t be recognized as a cheater. Don’t take shortcuts in your life that might lead to problems and only get you into trouble. For example, there are people who run marathons fairly but there are also those who take drugs before their big day and that right there is cheating. It can hurt their health but also it can affect their future career as a marathon runner. You shouldn't cheat because it isn't your hard work. Hard work pays off when it is done by you and no one else.  You will never regret working hard but if you cheat that is something you will regret. When you cheat the only person you’re truly cheating on is yourself. Doesn't matter when or how you cheat because any type will still bring you consequences. Cheating at school isn't being successful and it will not get you far in life. Another example would be cheating on a science test at school by peeking over to your classmates test. This will get you in huge trouble with your parents,teachers,and even your principal it may get you suspended from school or even from all districts so really cheating is never going to be a good thing. You should think before you cheat, think about the consequences behind you cheating. Cheating feels awful at last. You shouldn't lie, or cheat to anyone because it is really you cheating on yourself. I personally think cheating is the worst thing to do at school or anywhere else. Cheating will affect your life. A last example of cheating is when you have finals in college and you decide to take advantage by taking a picture of the answer key when you have a substitute and send it to your friends this will get you expelled from college and then no colleges will want you because you are known as a cheater.

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