
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Scorpion Bite 

Choose the right at all times 
Story of a little boy called Patrick Kearon 

Patrick chose the wrong by not listening to his parents advice before going on a little walk on the desert. Since he chose to wear his sandals over his shoes he had to pay back for not choosing the right thing. When you choose the wrong thing you end up hurting yourself in this case the little boy got himself into problems and ended up at the hospital. If he would have listened to his parents he would have had a great little adventure walk with no pain. But he chose to do the wrong so he paid back with pain. When you choose the wrong it is nothing but pain . Choosing the wrong can hurt you and others. In this case it hurt Patricks parents as well they were really worried and hurt. I always choose the right when my parents advice me choose the right because I know their is many consequences to the bad things.I'd rather take happiness than pain in my life. That's why i prefer to always choose the right. Little Patrick learned his lesson. Patrick now knows better he will choose the right next time . Always go the right way and be a wise person to avoid any issues.

Right: Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 

"Always Do Right."  - Mark Twain 

Reflection: This quote by Mark Twain means that the right decisions are what will make you strive for goodness. Anyone who ever comes across a bad situation should always choose the right.if they choose to do wrong or right they should always do the right thing no matter the situation .when you choose the wrong thing you end up draining yourself down and making more issues fro your life.When you are being attacked by two different sides it is always best to do the right thing because it may prevent you from hurting yourself or others.Doing the right thing will always benefit you.If you do wrong you can never possibly feel good about when you know its wrong . Choosing the right will always give you good. If you choose the right which is the good you'll receive the same price back because choosing the right will only make you feel good about yourself. For example when I choose to do homework over being on social media i feel proud the day my homework is due because i was able to accomplish while those students who chose the wrong feel bad and ashamed about their options. When I choose the right i feel great its a motivation that keeps me moving forward successfully. In this world we should always choose the right and do the right things to avoid issues for us and others. Because when you choose the right you make yourself happy and it makes you feel honorable .

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

World War II -
  1. The dates of this drastic event are the following ones September 1 , 1939- September 2 ,1945.

  2. World War 2 was fought between two groups of countries. On one side were the Axis Powers, including Germany, Italy and Japan. And on the other side were the Allies which included Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union,China and the United States of America.

  3. World War II took place all over the world, which included East Asia, Europe and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Some fighting was seen as far away as the Aleutian Islands, Madagascar and South America

  4. Some of this events include Germany invades Poland which was when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 which caused France and Britain to declare a war on Germany , the Battle of Midway which was also known as the Pearl Harbor attack with the Japanese, Stalingrad which was on June 22,1941 when four million troops were poured over the Russian border,and D-Day which was on the day June 6,1944 this was an invasion of Normandy,France the armies fought their way out. These are some events which occurred during this time period.

  5. We can honor and show respect to the veterans who fought during the World War II by visiting them at the cemetery, praying, singing to them, and also having their pictures which meant remembrance in their honor.

  6. Reflection: I strongly believe that World War II did destroy many countries and it was done in a cruel manner. Although, it may have affected many it also benefited those countries who were fighting for their rights.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Student Success Statement
The Three Questions:
Quote: 1. Can people trust me to do what’s right ? 2. Am i committed to doing my very best ? 3.Do I treat people the way I want to be treated ? “If the answer to these questions is YES, there is no way you can fail.”


Reflection: These questions and quote mean that if you as an individual can prove these questions correct then you are a great person who chooses the right at all times . Doing wrong makes you feel bad because when you do bad things it makes you look bad . If you can prove these questions right then it is because you’ve been taught the right way . If others don’t have trust in you then for it’ll be hard to meet new people because they won’t be able to trust you . It is better to have people who trust you because that means you’ll be a greater person. If others can’t trust you it is most likely because you are a person who chooses the wrong in your life. You always should want to be the person who chooses the right not the wrong. If you don’t do your best then how will you ever learn anything to proceed in your life. You have to want to do your best so that you get back the good things you want to have in your life.If you do your best you will always in return get the best things and it’ll be worth . If you do your very best then it is not possible for you to fail in your life you will only succeed and strive for greatness to accomplish more. For example, if I am kind to others in this case if I open the door for a person I will surely get something better in return from another person unexpectedly and I will feel proud and good about what I received and what i did. If i love being treated good then I know that I have to do the same for others. In life all it takes in order to receive good you need to be kind to others.
Challenges Teens Face Today

  1. Some challenges that teens are having to deal with today are the following school work, divorced parents, influenced by a friend who does drugs, bullying,cyber bullying, relationship issues of any like a best friend or either a bf/gf ,bad grades, poor eating habits,peer pressure at parties, don’t have a shelter, maybe teens who don’t have both parents which is hard to face,lastly teens that have a disease,and stress.
  2. Two challenges that I am currently facing at this time is keeping up with my good grades and be absent to school .
  3. By me being a person who chooses the right all the time will benefit me in the both the short and long term goals I have set for myself. If I am a CTR person at all times it will be easier for me to keep up with all my passing grades.If I choose the right by doing all my schoolwork and turning it in on time it would be a great outcome in my life. Choosing the right will help me stay on track. Because if i choose the wrong in my life it will just drag me down that is why being a CTR person is more successful. I know if I am a CTR person at all times I will have a brighter and better future and it will help me succeed faster than those who choose the wrong.
  4. I can  help  other teens overcome their challenges by giving them good advice and being a good role model for them. I can also help them by being their for them when they are facing rough situations. I can also help them by talking with them about their past days.
  5. xproblem-teenagers.jpg.pagespeed.ic.HmW8HHTJno.jpgGirl-doing-homework-008.jpgchild-abuse-linked-migraines.jpgsad-boy.jpg
  6. Reflection: The greatest need that teens have now a days is to be loved and supported by someone who cares about them .