
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Student Success Statement-
Quote: “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex.Much is not yet understood. But we do know that the Greeks knew; that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”
By: President John F.Kennedy


Reflection: This quote means that when a person does bad things it is mostly likely that will receive bad in turn as well . When you do bad don’t ever expect good from the bad because that is truly in possible. When a person is sick they are weak and really don’t want to anything at all due the fact that their sickness has brought them down. For example when I am sick I feel like not doing my homework but i stop and think twice about that and i try my hardest to concentrate since it is really hard to focus when I am sick . I would eat healthier and exercise more in order to keep functioning and never give up in my life. When you have a healthy lifestyle that will only benefit you to keep going . It  is more important to stay fit for your health so that , you succeed more . Being healthy is depending on you . Staying fit to accomplish more is also dependent on you . If you are not healthy don't ever expect you accomplish more because you won't be able to if you are not healthy enough to get things done. In this life it is better to be healthy and stay that way so that you get more things done in the matter of one day. Being unhealthy will only affect you. Being healthy will demonstrate how far you’ll go because in order to achieve you need good physical fitness.

Health Science Librarian
Duties & Responsibilties: A health science librarian is in charge of providing high quality services to a diverse constituency of students and faculty including course related  library instruction, development of library collections,and  liaison responsibilities with the following departments of Nursing,Kinesiology,and Health Science,Physical Therapy,and Speech Pathology and Audiology.

Salary: $66,622 per year but in 2012 top salaries reported to us in 2012 were in director positions, ranging from a low average of $52,293 to a high average of $116,200 per year.

Education: A four-year bachelor's degree is then required, including courses such as science and computer science. A master's degree in library science is mandatory.

Demand for this profession: In total from the 145,710 librarians recorded by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2011, 60,650 of them were employed in elementary and secondary schools.

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Reflection: I honestly wouldn’t like to become a Health Science Librarian because i wouldn’t enjoy doing what they are expected to do and because I know i can make much more salary a year doing something i love doing. Another reason i wouldn’t enjoy doing this is because i don’t want to work with computers.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Student Success Statement
Topic: Kindness
Quote: “Kindness is the essence of greatness.” - Joseph B.Williams


Reflection: This quote means that without kindness in your life you will not be a great person. In order to be a great person you need to be kind in your life. It doesn’t matter to who or what you are kind just remember to always be great to anything in this world. If you are kind you’ll certainly receive kindness back at the most unexpected times in your life. It is a great manner to be a person with kindness because it makes you as an individual look really good. When you are kind you are showing that you care about others. Being kind plays an important role in your life. Kindness is one of the many qualities that define us as human beings in this world. Kindness will only help you make more friends in your long journey.When you are kind to others you make them happy which is the right thing to do in life. Some examples of this would be like opening the door for others , saying “Thank you”, saying “Good morning”, and also asking if they need help in anything. Kindness is really important in this world because that is a quality that will affect a person’s good name if they aren’t kind to others. I have always demonstrated kindness to others by opening the door for them . When i make this actions it makes me feel good about myself.

Thanksgiving Week

My thanksgiving was great i got time to spend with my family who i hadn’t seen in a few years. During my thanksgiving week break i went to quite a few places i went to the park, the beach,to my cousins house ,and  visited a cousin at Vegas.I met some of my Dad’s family gladly I met his Aunt and her children. During this week i was doing homework and studying for some finals like my english final. I got to spend some quality time with my Mother i helped her on her homework assignments since she is currently studying to become a Certified Nurse Assisant. Some activities I did with little siblings included drawing and playing some games like Hopscotch . For my lovely Thanksgiving I celebrated with my family we had a great Thanksgiving feast, we spent sometime dancing . I watched the Laker game with my family we did a barbeque and celebrated their great win.I chose the right during all my entire Thanksgiving week because i was able to manage my time properly with my homework assignments.A book i read during the week was “ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  i read this book to my cousins at Vegas.I mostly was assigned homework for English and my A.P class i was able to successfully finish all the assignments that were given.I also was able to spent five minutes on my Goals Journal for my digital computing class. My break went pretty awesome. I was glad to meet new family and also do new things. Something I lastly did was go pick up my glasses which i had been wanting for a long time. I was happy about getting my glasses. I thank God for an amazing break and a beautiful Thanksgiving feast with my family.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Student Success Statement-
Quote: “ If it is not right, do not do it ; if it is not true do not say it.” - Marcus Aurelius


Reflection: This quote means that if in life if you know something isn’t right to not do it. The wrong things in life are the ones that will drain you downwards. The right things in your life will be those good things that will motivate you to do even better to have a great life with no negatives in it . When you choose to perform good actions you will feel good about yourself.When you choose the wrong in life you will feel ashamed about who you are as an individual. As a person you should know that choosing the right paths will lead you to succeed in your life .When you decide for yourself to make the wrong steps it will only lead you towards unsuccessful. In life you should also never lie because that will only make you look bad . For example if a friend tells you to ask their parents for permission to go out with you but then your friend uses to go with her boyfriend and her parents find out you lied now you’re left looking bad for choosing the wrong and lying to her parents. The person who chooses the wrong will mostly likely loose and their good name will remain looking bad to others. Everyone should never . You should always remember to choose the great over the bad. Life prefers for us to choose the right over the wrong in any situations you come to in your life.
 Thanksgiving & Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is an yearly tradition that has been passed on since the year 1621 celebrated by Pilgrims after their very first harvest in the New World which was also known as the U.S. This feast lasted three days when it was first celebrated by the Pilgrims.Thanksgiving is
an annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal. During this evening families reunite to have a very great time by eating what they desire. In this tradition many families reunite to thank God for everything they have in their life. Thanksgiving to me is very enjoyable because it is my time to not only thank God and spend a great quality with my loved ones but i love it because I get the chance to appreciate what God has blessed me with and all those things my parents have done to keep me on track. This day is celebrated by those who are eligible to celebrate it since in some religions this day doesn’t exist.This day has brought us much hope. Thanksgiving also brings together those families who probably don’t get along so well throughout the years.  Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States.In the U.S more than ¾ of the population celebrate this very special day with great honor .On this day I also thank God for being able to celebrate it another year. I'm thankful of how far I’ve come to be in life since today we still see many people who suffer daily for food we should never take food for granted and be thankful for the things we have. In life you should always be thankful for what you have not for what you wish for because their are many people who suffer just to get the things all
people in need in order to survive daily. Some things I am thankful for are my family, freedom, food, a house,education,clothing,having the chance to wake up everyday, teachers/staff,medical field employers,rights, and friends.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Student Success Statement
Quote: “ Doing what is right, fair, and honorable is more important than winning or losing.” - Chick Moorman


Reflection : This quote means to me that nothing in life is more important than you being a great person by choosing the right by doing good things. If you do the right things in life those will be the only things that will benefit you. Choosing the wrong will never make you a better person that will only make a dishonest person. For example when you choose to lie to your teacher about cheating on a test  that will only get you in trouble and make you look bad . It is better to be a great student rather than to be an dishonest student. Your reputation is much more important than you choosing the wrong because when you choose the wrong your good name is affected. If you are honest in life you’ll accomplish bigger and better things than others. You good name should always stay out of trouble . In a game what really counts is you being a good rolemodel for others.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Veterans Day

  1. Veterans day is an official holiday in which it is celebrated on the day November 11th this holiday is to honor military veterans which is the people who served for the United States Armed Forces . This holiday is a great one to remember those really important people who once served for us . It is our plesure to be able to have a memorial day for this people. This holiday also comes along with similiar ones like for example Remembrance Day and Armistice Day. Many people are thankful for a day like this because all those who served the military risked their lifes for us.
  2. Veterans Day is on November 11th celebrated anually.
  3. The purpose of this holiday which is called Veterans Day is to remember those who served the military and risked their lifes is it our job to honor them. We also honor them because they faced sacrifices just to fight for our freedom.
  4. It is important to show honor on Veterans Day because you’re showing that you care for those people and it shows you are thanking them since they fought our freedom. It also proves you’re  a very thoughtful person.
  5. You can show honor and respect by delivering a meal or care packages to veterans, saying “ Thank You “ , visiting a  wounded veteran at the hospital , and visiting a beloved veterans grave. These ways are some ways in which you may show respect and honor to Veterans Day.
  6. download.jpgarmed-serviceman-at-veterans-day-parade-H.jpeg
  7. This holiday is a very nice and respectful way to honor those beloved people who fought for our freedom.
  8. I feel all the people in the U.S should always celebrate this holiday with great honor and respect to show they care for those who left us. I feel very proud about celebrating this holiday with great honor. I also think that i am a very respectful person because I am able to celebrate this holiday with respect, I  feel that honoring this people it would lead to a great outcome so that the U.S is more success together. I think that those who have family members that are currently serving the military should be really proud about them.They should also honor them. People,who have family members at a cemetary that served the military should visit them at least twice a week to show the person they care and how much they mean to them .
Student Success Statement
Quote: “ Honesty is the best policy.”

Reflection: This quote means that someone telling the truth in this life will always be the greatest outcome.To avoid conflicts in your life you should always say the truth when you are asked something by anybody like a parent, staff,supervisor, principal, and also by friends. If you say the truth that will only help you grow as a loyal individual but if you lie in a situation you will regret it because it’ll hurt you very much. Lying gets you into problems. To avoid these bad outcomes never should you lie when you are being asked a question. An example of honesty being the greatest policy in life would be like if their is a crime that is beening investigated and the suspect is found later during the whole investigation process but this suspect had been found as a lier because he didn’t admit what he committed but the Police Department was already aware of the crime he had committed , since he lied to the Police Officer he will be charged with 20 years in prison because he denied what he did . If this young man would have chosen the right and would have chosen to say the truth about the crime he committed , he would have been a great human who would have lived happy . But he chose the wrong and now has to pay. When you choose the wrong you feel bad but when you choose the right you feel great . When you lie to others you hurt their feelings and that’s a bad thing to do . You should never hurt nobody’s feelings that’s not the right thing to do . You should always choose the right so that you get positive outcomes in your life.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Student Success Statement-
Quote: “ He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. - Proverbs 13:20


Reflection: This quote means that in life you should always make wise choices. Wise choices make you feel proud . When you choose to be a wise person and make wise actions your life is one big success. When you hang out with wise crowd of people at school your future will be the brightest of them all because you have those friends who persuade you to stay away from the bad and do good instead. Hanging out with the positive ones is the best thing you can do. The negative people will always fail because of their choices their career will be ruined and they will drain. If you make friends make sure they are looking out for bright things in their life . In order to have a great successful life you need to have those good friends who are with you studying for tests at college not those who are just dropouts and are partying every weekend because those type of people will do nothing but crain your life.For example if you are a student in college with great influenced friends you will have the good things in life like a nice luxary car and nice house for your future. You’ll feel proud of your accomplishments and how far you’ve gotten in your life. If you choose the bad friends you’ll maybe end up living in the alleys with no home or job. It is best to always have those good friends who push you and motivate you to do better. If you have good friends and you make wise choices your life will be the most fantastic one . If you choose the good your life will be full of great experiences and memories . You’ll be able to look back and feel good about your life not ashamed. Always be a person who chooses the right over the wrong to have the great expensive things in your life.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Reflection on story: The Gainesville Tornadoes thank their unexpected fans

The students from the school Gainesville were really thoughtful students because they cared about the other team as well. Even if their is two separate teams going against each other both teams should always feel wanted and cared for. In this video we have two students who are really caring for their opposing team they chose the right to make them feel part of the game like they should. The Gainesville students made them feel good and better about themselves because no one should ever feel left out . Every person should have the exact same equality and rights. This students were every sweet.
Student Success Statement
Quote: “The best recreation is to do good .” – William Penn

Reflection: This quote means like in order for you to be able to grow as an individual to become a better person with better skills it all begins with you doing good and while trying to become a good person you need to choose the good over the bad things. The best recreation will always be yourself choosing the right because what really matters in life is you choosing the good over the bad . It is always a better decision because positive outcomes will conclude with your choices. Choosing the good will never harm you and your life but it will only benefit you in the long run. As the years progress you will; grow as a better individual and you notice the bright changes that occurred to you. Choosing the right is easier to adapt to than choosing the wrong because when you do good you feel really good about yourself. On the other hand, when you choose the wrong you feel bad and ashamed about yourself and no one would like to feel bad about who they are so they’ll go the right way in order to fall into the category of being a CTR person at all times being a CTR person means being a great  person who decided to choose the right every single day. An example can be like a student who wakes up every morning, goes to school ,follows the rules and is a great person this will make a great recreation of yourself . A student who cares about their schoolwork and demonstrates independency is the one who will have the brightest future than the student who hardly shows up to school, is tardy to most classes, disrespects the teachers, and doesn’t follow the basic rules that make him a CTR person . The student who most puts in effort to every good action is the best one. If you choose the right most of the time that isn’t going to benefit you but, if you choose the right all the time that will surely get you somewhere in your life. People should never be afraid to choose the right because that is the best decision that will no matter what take you to a higher place to be able to achieve better and bigger things. With all these great decisions they will lead you to becoming the most fantastic person .