Student Success Statement
Quote: “Right is right only when entire”. By- Victor Hugo
Reflection~ This quote means that right will only be right if it is fully done right with no wrongs in it. An example, of this quote would be like if a young teenager asked his parents for permission to go out with friends to skateboard at the park and he does but when it is time for him to head back home his friends offer him drugs so he takes them but still makes it on time to his house. When he gets home his parents ask him if he had fun and he says yes. They ask him what he did he says he went to skate and then to eat at McDonald's he decides to lie to his parents but they don't find out. This is an example of what not to do and an example of how being right only half time isn't fully choosing the right. This teenage boy didn’t fully tell his parents what he did while he was out with friends. This demonstrates unhonesty and choosing the wrong. This teenage boy could have gotten himself hurt by taking those drugs. He chose the wrong just to fit in with his friends. Even if you choose the wrong half of the time and the other half you choose the right that will never count as choosing the right at all times. If you choose the right make sure you choose the right always. Even when you’re out with friends it shouldn't matter you should still choose the right over the wrong actions. This teenage boy chose the wrong twice he took drugs and at the same time lied to his parents this will only hurt him in a way that he will regret it. If you choose the wrong at least learn from the past and continue to only choose the right.