Quote: “ Enthusiasm makes the difference”. - Dr,Norman Vincent Peale
- and be happy
- and etc.
- and had fun
- and keeps you happy
- and live life
- Annual Salary
- Any Dream is possible
- anyone celebrates this holiday
- Be a CTR person
- BE A CTR person at all times
- be a good role model
- be a great person
- be a great role model
- Be a great role model for others
- Be a kind person
- Be a kindful person anywhere you go
- be a strong teen
- be humble
- Be Independent
- be proud
- be safe
- Be smart
- Be successful
- Be Thankful
- Be wise
- be wise and make good choices
- beautiful place
- Becoming a Physical Therapist
- Being an Active Citizen and a Willing Collaborator
- Benefit ones life
- benefiting you
- C.S.I
- Care Freedom of the US
- Career Doctor
- Career information
- Caring
- Character matters most
- Characters counts
- Chase youir dreams
- Cherish family
- Choose the right
- Choose the right all the time
- Choose the right be happy make life better for you
- chose wiser friends
- City of light
- Classes for my junior year !
- Considerate
- do great
- dont give up
- Dont take things fro granted
- Duties
- enjoy life
- Enjoy this career
- enjoy this day
- Enjoyed family
- Feel proud not ashamed
- Freedom is a privilage
- freedom is under your hands be happy
- Freedom matters
- Good Career
- Good Decisions
- Good Experience
- Good heart
- Good hearts win big things
- Good Listener
- Good medical career. good salary
- Good pay
- good salary
- Great help
- Great Model of being a CTR person
- Great time
- growing up
- hard work pays off
- have a
- have A great dinner
- have a happy life
- have a loving career
- have a positive life
- have fun
- help others
- Helping Other
- Helping others
- Helps Reduce personal stress
- Honesty is what matters most
- Honor those who once lived
- Honoring
- In honor of Saint Patrick
- Inspiring
- Irish
- Its never to late
- Keep Pursuing your dreams
- Keep trying
- Kind
- Kindness is greatness
- Learn from your past
- Learn to forgive
- leave the mistakes
- Love
- Love your life
- love your life dont hate it
- Loving
- make better choices
- make it father in your life
- make positive moves
- make the right moves
- make wise choices
- Making good choices
- Making memories
- Many different careers with many different benefits !
- Medical Assistant Career
- medical career
- medical career pathway
- Medical Illustrator Career
- met new family members
- More Opportunities
- Motivational
- Motivational Career
- Motive person
- Never cheat
- Never give up
- Never lie
- NHA are great people
- no progress is seen when being a cheater
- no success
- Nursing Careers
- Nursing Home Administrators are the largest and most preferred
- One of my choices for my future career
- One of my goals on my goal journal
- Paris
- Physical Fitness Choose the right
- Positive Vibes
- Profession
- Rememberance
- Remembering this patron.Nice Holiday
- Remembrance day
- Respect
- Respect others
- Respectful
- Responsible
- Salary
- Spring Break 2017
- stay focused
- stay healthy stay fit make good desicions
- Successful
- think smart
- Think smart be successful
- treat others in a good way
- Very motivated
- Veterans Day
- Volunteer Experiences at Kaiser
- wonderful experiences
- Work hard to earn the degree
- your future matters
Friday, January 27, 2017
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Student Success Statement-
Quote:“I wasn’t trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right.”- Dean Smith
Reflection: This quote means that in this life even when you lose to a game that isn’t what really matters, what really matters are the things you do to put in the effort to the game.Even if you lose doing what is right is what counts the most. Whether you were the losing or the winning team in the game. Life isn’t about winning it’s about the little things you do that are right and that show your effort to do the things you do. For example, Coach Smith in this case he states he wasn’t trying to leave a legacy but he was just trying to do what was right. He means that he didn’t care about being the winning team or the losing team what he cared more about was his players showing their effort and trying to win the championship. Coach Smith pretty much just wanted his players to show greatness while playing as a team and he wanted his players to choose the right while playing their final game. Another example I have is like if I was at a race and I wouldn’t win first place I’d still choose the right and give my opponet a hug and say congrats because although I didn’t win I still know I tried and gave it my all. I know I chose the right and played my part. Life is always about choosing the right. No matter the situation you’re facing in your life. Coach Smith just wished his players palyed their part the way they had to.
Medical Illustrator
Duties and Responsibilities: is a professional artist that has high education in both the life sciences and visual communication. Collaborating with scientists, physicians, and other specialists, medical illustrators transform complex data into visual images that have the ability to communicate to broad audiences.They may illustrate the steps surgeons take during operations or draw pictures of both healthy and diseased body parts to show the effects of illness. Medical illustrators also build models of body parts for use in lectures or seminars. In some cases they help to create artificial parts, such as ears or eyes, for patients who need them. Their work may appear in television programs, films, and exhibits for court cases.
Salary: The salary for a Medical Illustrator is $62,000 a year( median pay) and may range up to $100,000 a year.
Education: A bachelor's or master's degree in medical illustration prepares a student to combine anatomy and physiology with artistic methods in order to teach or to develop graphic representations of biological elements. These requirements are expected in order to become a Medical Illustrator.
Demand for this profession: The job outlook is very good. Their is many people who have have master's degrees and interdisciplinary science education and this will benefit them to get the job.Employment of artists and related workers is expected to grow about as fast as average for all occupations through the year 2014.
Reflection: I think that I would become a Medical Illustrator because I enjoy drawing images specially about the things that are within the Medical Field, I would enjoy becoming a Medical Illustrator because I also like the the salary that is earned yearly. Another reason why I would enjoy this career is because this career would help me grow more as an individual it would help me visualize things better.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Student Success Statement-
Quote: “ It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma (good results ,destiny , fortune, good luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.” - Dr. Randy Pausch
“Make my passion my profession”
What is your passion and why is it important ?
My passion is writing , this is something I enjoy doing because it motivates me. It motivates me to write about different topics for example on the news like maybe about crimes.
How can you make this passion become your profession ?
I can make this passion be my profession by writing about current things that are happening in the world today for example about crimes that may come out on the news since for my future profession I am planning on becoming a Crime Scene Investigator and with this career writing reports on a scene is a role you are expected to do.
What education is required ?
the most applicable education to work as a crime scene investigator is a bachelor's degree in forensic science, forensic anthropology or forensic biology. Forensic science degree programs emphasize interdisciplinary coursework, including criminal justice, molecular biology and biochemistry.
What skills ,talents,and attitudes are required ?
Some skills are good critical thinking and problem solving skills, composure, attention to detail, and excellent speaking and writing skills.You need a positive, motivating and inspirational attitude while on duty for this career.
I am willing to work for this profession meaning I will meet all the requirements for this profession. For example , I will have a positive attitude while on duty, I will also get my Bachelors degree and graduate in order to become a C.S.I .
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Student Success Statement-
Quote: “ Of all the work that is done or that can be done for our country,the greatest is that of educating the BODY,the MIND,and above all the CHARACTER,giving spiritual and moral training to those who in a few years are themselves to decide the destinies of the nation” - Theodore Roosevelt
Medical Assistant-
Duties and Responsibilities: The duties and responsibilities include answering telephones, greeting patients, updating and filing patients , medical records, filling out insurance forms, handling correspondence, scheduling appointments, arranging for hospital admission and laboratory services, and handling billing and bookkeeping.
Salary: The median annual pay of a medical assistant is $30,590 a year.
Education:The minimum for a medical assistant is a high-school diploma. However some states require training or examinations for those that do clinical work and because some employers assistants with training.
Demand for this profession: The medical assistant career has a projected ten year growth of twenty-three percent since 2014.

Reflection:I strongly believe that i would like to be a Medical Assistant in the future because the roles they have assigned are ones I enjoy doing the most. I also think that i would like to be a Medical Assistant because i enjoy working with people and being able to help them with their needs.
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Student Success Statement-
Quote: “ Take responsibility for YOUR OWN body,mind, and spirit, and for your own physical , mental, and spiritual well-being.”- Mr.C.S. Haymore
Thursday, January 12, 2017
is the study of human body movement.
Duties and Responsibilities : The duties and responsibilities of a Kinesiologist include helping individuals cope with physical injuries and also work to manage, rehabilitate, and prevent disorders that impede movement.
Salary : Kinesiology Salary is
In USD as of Jan 11, 2017
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Kinesiology Instructor earns: $56,000
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Personal Trainer Fitness earns: $58,000
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Education: Masters degree is required in Kinesiology along with certificate , high-school diploma,and the State OT license
Demand or need for this profession (outlook): Job Growth from 2012-2022 is thirty-six percent

Reflection: I think that I would like becoming a Kinesiologist because I’d like working with people who I will take care of. I will enjoy this profession because I love putting a smile on a person’s face after a long day. For example,if a person had a rough day and they needed my help and support I’d be able to manage my time just to work with that person and change their mood.
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