Scorpion Bite
Choose the right at all times
Story of a little boy called Patrick Kearon
Patrick chose the wrong by not listening to his parents advice before going on a little walk on the desert. Since he chose to wear his sandals over his shoes he had to pay back for not choosing the right thing. When you choose the wrong thing you end up hurting yourself in this case the little boy got himself into problems and ended up at the hospital. If he would have listened to his parents he would have had a great little adventure walk with no pain. But he chose to do the wrong so he paid back with pain. When you choose the wrong it is nothing but pain . Choosing the wrong can hurt you and others. In this case it hurt Patricks parents as well they were really worried and hurt. I always choose the right when my parents advice me choose the right because I know their is many consequences to the bad things.I'd rather take happiness than pain in my life. That's why i prefer to always choose the right. Little Patrick learned his lesson. Patrick now knows better he will choose the right next time . Always go the right way and be a wise person to avoid any issues.